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Position:Home>Dancing> How do I do the Soulja Boy dance?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: don't

Okay, first, you have to jump with both feet and cross your legs as you bring them down and jump back out with your legs open. Then bend your right knee and make your right big toe touch your left hand (your foot should go behind you). Then lean to the right and put your right hand in front, alternate, then bend you knees and snap back up (Lean Wit It Rock Wit It). Then cross your right leg over your left leg then hit your right knee straight up with your left hand, put it down and put both hands in front of you while moving forward like Superman. Then Yule! from left to right. (Have your arms out to either side and jump several times to the right or left.) Now try to watch the video and use my instructions to help you. Hope I helped!

cross legs
jump apart
a screw it go on youtube