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Position:Home>Dancing> I miss my old place where i used to dance how should i make myself forget about

Question:It's really hard to forget about a place. Don't forbid yourself from thinking about that place cuz u'll think about it even more. Think about all the positive things the new place brought. It takes awhile but dont worry and enjoy the new place u dance! =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's really hard to forget about a place. Don't forbid yourself from thinking about that place cuz u'll think about it even more. Think about all the positive things the new place brought. It takes awhile but dont worry and enjoy the new place u dance! =)

well it depends on the reasons you left. if you left because you didn't like the studio you should definetly look around your town for another one.if you left just to quit dancing all together get yourself into something new,like a sport.