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Position:Home>Dancing> GIRLS: what do you think about flexible guys?

Question:so my girlfriend and a few of her friends came to my ballet class today to watch me and some of her friends thought that it was weird that i could do the splits while others thought it was hot

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so my girlfriend and a few of her friends came to my ballet class today to watch me and some of her friends thought that it was weird that i could do the splits while others thought it was hot

The hottest thing is when a guy can be just as flexible as I am, or more. Seriously. It's impressive, shows commitment, and come on, everybody has read the "Top 15 Reasons to Date A Dancer": Flexibility, and we know how to use it outside of the studio ;). -cough- that's a direct quote.

Um. Yeah. I love flexibly guys. They make me happy.

I am also a ballet dancer and I think that it is very cool to be a male dancer. And yes I think it is sexy that you can do the splits.

it is pretty hot, uncommon, but hot

I think its hot that a man pursues what he likes doing aside of other's criticism.... and yeah the flexibility is major hotness to me.

it's too bad you're taken, that's hot!!!

I find it unique. Almost no guys can even get there own hands to there feet. In My case its really cool, but I'm only 11 your taking it from an amature.

For starters, it's great that you are a guy and you like ballet! I just think that you have so much confidence lol! I think it's cool that you can do the splits, but I guess I understand why some girls find it weird. The typical guy plays video games for 5 hours straight and does nothing all day. Thats what most girls are used to. I think it's hot that you do ballet and actually stay fit and stuff other then other guys. Keep dancing and always keep your head up (even when someone calls you weird, gay, or some other stupid name!)

not many guys could do that..
or even attempt to

Dude thats my dream date!
a guy as flexible as me!!!!!1

i think its hot, most people think that only gay guys dance but i think its hot when guys dance!!

I think it's hot.I admire you for doing what you think is great. And hey, some might think it's silly but i like guys that are flexible like me(ballerina). Good Luck though!:D