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Position:Home>Dancing> Any good techno songs?

Question:i like songs from like ddr(Dance Dance Revolution) particularly from ddr max
i like artists like Naoki and like Darude

i really like this song so based on these kind of songs can u give me good techno songs?(plzz ignore the cheering and that annoying voice in the background :])

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i like songs from like ddr(Dance Dance Revolution) particularly from ddr max
i like artists like Naoki and like Darude

i really like this song so based on these kind of songs can u give me good techno songs?(plzz ignore the cheering and that annoying voice in the background :])

How about Cascada? i love her songs and they always make me feel like dancing.

Better Off Alone By Alice Deejay
Here is The Video!!


There is a compilation series on iTunes which is the best dance music I've found around recently... it's called "Euro Club Hits" and there are currently 5 volumes.... here is the link, check it out:

It's also on the new download service at

Let me know what u think