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Position:Home>Dancing> What dance routines did they have in the 70's?

Question:Im doing a school project on the 70's and need to know what famous dance "moves" or "routines" where popular in the 70's. Can anyone help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im doing a school project on the 70's and need to know what famous dance "moves" or "routines" where popular in the 70's. Can anyone help?

no idea, obviously the 80s had michael jackson and this great dance moves. the 70s had the "hustle" line dance and the "bump"

I was a teenager in the 70's and all the dances were based on Saturday Night Fever. Try to watch the DVD of that film and you should come up with something

watch hairspray!!! that is 60's 70's dancing!!!

I think the "Hustle" was a very popular dance. I also agree with lynne g, check out the movie "Saturday Night Fever" with John Travolta in it.