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Position:Home>Dancing> School dance Help!?

Question:Our dance is saturday its turnabout and the theme is disney disco. She wants to be Pocahontis and me the shot indian or John smith. What is a reasonable costume for me as John or that indian guy Cocama or watever?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Our dance is saturday its turnabout and the theme is disney disco. She wants to be Pocahontis and me the shot indian or John smith. What is a reasonable costume for me as John or that indian guy Cocama or watever?

indian- brown leather boots and belt, headress with feathers and beads, long tan shirt with long sleeves, and tan pants

John-blond hair (if thats a possibility) tan pants, black boots, white or blue shirt, and a black belt.
Good Luck!!!:)

indian- war makeup, tan pants, headress, etc.
john smith- blue pants light blue shirt, helmet, boots

indian costume : blue, white, redish make up, feathers no shirt and some like tan suede skirt thing.

john smith, blonde hair, tan, light blue long sleeve, blue pants/jeans and brown/ black boots.