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Position:Home>Dancing> Private Ballet training?

Question:I was wondering if anyone knows of any good places for private ballet training in michigan, if so I would like to know how much they cost and how to contact them? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was wondering if anyone knows of any good places for private ballet training in michigan, if so I would like to know how much they cost and how to contact them? Thanks!

You should look in your phonebook for dance studios in your area and call them to see if they offer privates. Don't forget that it's also beneficial to take group classes because you learn proper class etiquette (which you'll need if you go further with dance), and you can also learn a lot from watching people who are more advanced than you. Private lessons are also much more expensive than group lessons.

In Traverse City, Dance Arts Academy, Dance Center, Ballet Etc. are all dance schools that offer several classes. I know that the dance center offers private instruction, and I am fairly certain that the other two do as well.

Dance Arts Academy

Dance Center

Ballet Etc.
231-929-2787 (i couldn't find their website)

I'm pretty sure you can call them and get the rate information, I'm not sure if it is listed on the web pages.

Good luck! Email me if you need anything else!