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Question:so it would be easier to blend in with others in a choreographed routine. i have plenty of classes available to me from hip hop to swing to salsa. how should i approach this? i am trying to get to a certain level in about 9 months. thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so it would be easier to blend in with others in a choreographed routine. i have plenty of classes available to me from hip hop to swing to salsa. how should i approach this? i am trying to get to a certain level in about 9 months. thanks.

One word: BALLET. I'm not joking with you -- it is the core of all dancing. It will help you in all areas.

I would google websites that teach you basic technique, youtube videos that show this, and make yourself an open room to stretch, train and practice in. It's hard, and I gotta tell you, sucking it up and taking a class will benefit you the most. A lot of dance schools offer private lessons if that would make you more comfortable too!

It's also a lot about muscle memory. You have to train your body to naturally stand in the correct position, always be aware of your center in any dance style you, and apply technique to all the dance forms! This will help tremendously.

You really can't teach yourself to dance. How will you know if you're doing it right if you don't have a teacher there? Go take classes!

gina, i learnt at home, i just used the internet and learnt from othe peoples mistakes :D

If you want to learn how to dance, take lessons but also go up to some people at school (friends preferably) that dance different styles and ask them to show you some basic moves. Then you will start to get a feel about different styles and how they relate/don't relate with one another. This hopefully might give you an allround feeling of dancing, but take classes to get professional help.

Kim W is right
Ballet is the core of all dancing
Any brilliant dancer will have had ballet training. The reason for this is it teaches you core strength and isolation which will help you in all areas. It also helps your technique as once again ballet is the core to all dancing!!
hope this helps