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Question:does anyone know and good excersises i can work on at home to improve my ankle strength? that will make an improvement?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does anyone know and good excersises i can work on at home to improve my ankle strength? that will make an improvement?

Toes raises and hold up for as long as you can.
Try toe raises in parrallel, first and WIDE second. Do a routine, like rise up in parrallel, then go down REALLY slow because you work more muscles, repeat a few times. Then do one ankle at a time, rise up and then push down into the floor and then the other foot. Then you go into first and repeat...
You understand?
If you're willing to go to the money side. Get this!!! ...

It's incredible! I've got one.
Good luck - Hope I've helped

Lots of releves and eleves will definitely help. I do them all the time at home. You can also buy a Theraband on and do ankle exercises with it. You put it around the ball of your foot, pull each end back and point and flex your foot.

First grab onto something that will help keep your balance, such as a desk, chair, or counter top. Then lift one foot, and go on the tippy does of the other foot. Try putting as much of your weight on the foot thats on the ground, and then move up and down without having your ankle touching ground. Only have your upperfoot on the ground as you use your calves and ankle to lift you up and down.
switch legs and repeat. The more times you do this, the more your ankles will get stronger :]

I used to stand on my stairs and hang my heels off the edge of the stair and go up and down on the ball of my foot. If you don;t have stairs just stand on a raised platform or something. Hope this helps! Keep dancing!

Well if you have tap shoes [or you could do it bare foot but you might experience pain though] you could just try to point your foot as much as possible, like make it touch the ground while your heel is on the ground. Or you could sit up, have your feet out and point and flex your feet. Thats all I know..or you could do pointe if your not already on it..

edge of the stair and do releves.

Go to gym maybe?

You can exercise your ankles through doing lots of releves and plies. Also, if you go to a sporting goods store, they sell weights that have velcro. One of my best friends wore these on her ankles before going on pointe, you just strap them on and you can exercise your ankles all the time!

Good luck!

wow! some of these answers are crazy! if you happen to do releves to improve your strength, MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR HEELS DOWN IN BETWEEN!!!!!!! otherwise you will get problems in your achilles tendon, like tendonitis. believe me on this one, just a tip :)

Grap a sock or stocking. put the middle around your foot and hold the other 2 its making a u shape. (it needs to be a fairly tight sock or stocking so that its not to easy for you) Pulling on the two ends start to extend your ankle and then foot. do this with you foot straight and then pull it to the side and extend your foot and ankle in the other direction.

I hurt my ankle dancing and this was the best thing. i used to do it in front of the tv which made it heaps more enjoyable

I'm an Irish Dancer, and every practice they make us walk around a room on our toes. I used to sprain my ankles all the time, but now I never do.