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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i learn to do a back bridge?10 points!?

Question:okay i have a dance competition on June 24 and i have to learn a back bridge...can some one tell what the best way to do one?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay i have a dance competition on June 24 and i have to learn a back bridge...can some one tell what the best way to do one?

OK, before even attempting one, you need to be flexible and supple so spend some time stretching your muscles and warming up. Then try and bend backwards and walk down a wall. Also try lying on the floor and pushing your self up in to a "crab" then try leaning back and see if you can do it. Your stomach muscles need to be strong for this so make sure you aren't going to hurt yourself.

I used to be a cheerleader so i've had lots of practice... do you have to go into it from standing up or push up into it? either way you need to lay flat on your stomach and push up with your arms so your pelvic bone is still on the ground ansd stretch, stretch, stretch. and another one that is very good if youhave another person to help is to lay flat on your stomach and have someone lift your leg so that your thigh is on their shoulder and have them wrap their arms around your lag and push down on your lower back while lifting your leg. try to get it where both of your hips lay flat on the ground while you stretch that way. hope i have helped

what is a back bridge, out of interest.

stretch your back alot,and balance.
lay on your tummy and try to touch your head with your toes,it stretches your back muscles.
you can also try to practice your back bridge by doing it,but instead on standing on your hands,do it on your elbows. then little by little you'll get better abd you'll be able to stand on your hands :)
i hope you understood & GOOD LUCK !! 8)

i learned, by holding onto a wall and slowly going backwards down it. like slowly moving my hands farther and farther down the wall till i reached the ground. i did that everyday till one time i did by myself. and i did it perfect.

get a good yoga video - a bsic one like barbara currie will show you. Warm up really well though!