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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can I find a video/site showing simple dance moves?

Question:I want to try dancing to tone up a little... and relax... I have some Afro-celt music, it is lively and beaty. but I need some inspiration... on how to dance... could anyone help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to try dancing to tone up a little... and relax... I have some Afro-celt music, it is lively and beaty. but I need some inspiration... on how to dance... could anyone help?

go and type 'learn' and the name of the dance u want to learn in the search engine in youtube.

eg: suppose you want to learn salsa, type " learn salsa"

you'll get videos showing you the basic steps for learing all kinds of dances.

Try something fast if you wanna tone down. You want inspiration? You don't even have to learn a official 'dance'

Just turn on some really fast music like rock or metal and start dancing in front of the mirror. the mirror will provide you enough inspiration.

Good luck.

Just Try Youtube Its The Best, Or If Not Use Google Video!


Google Video

Hope This Helps[put the name of the style and the word tutrial into your search engine ex." you tube club dance tutorial"
You can also type in your search engine "on line dance lessons"
Here are a few of the sites I found

www.learn to dance [thie site has lessons in many different style like hip hop, tango,fox trot, breakdancing,etc.]

www.pfunkonline [hip hop] [on line sharing of lessons in various styles