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Position:Home>Dancing> I am trying out for cheer and could use any tips!?

Question:I am trying out for cheer and I am really nervous and could use any tips! If anyone has been there already I would love the feedback.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am trying out for cheer and I am really nervous and could use any tips! If anyone has been there already I would love the feedback.

Ok, first....

Tips on Motions: (motins are the high V, low V type arm movements during cheer and dance)

Sharp 'n Snappy - It means your arms should be stiff and your muscles tight. Your transitions should be smooth, snappy and quick. You should punch your motions out with a lot of strength.
Never bend your wrists - Your wrists should never be bent, ****** or out of alignment with your arms.
Elbows - If you're in an extended motion, your elbows should be locked.
Arm placement - Your arms should always be slightly in front of you and level. Know exactly where the spot is to hit a motion and don't settle for anything else than that spot. Again, keep your arms stiff and muscles tight. Don't let your arms bounce or jiggle.
Shoulders - Your shoulders should be relaxed and not raised up like in a shrug.
Fists - Know in what direction your fist should be facing (Examples: In a High V your thumbs should be facing towards the crowd. In a Touchdown your thumbs should be facing away from the crowd). Always keep your thumb outside your fist. Here's a good link for fist directions on some of the most common motions. If ever in doubt, ask your coach.
Transition -Take the shortest distance to the next motion and wait until the last second to make it. Move quickly and precisely.
Synchronize your motions - Your motions should correspond with the syllables of the words in your cheer/chant or the count of your dance routines and stunts.
The clap or clasp motion - This simple motion is often overlooked. Your hands should be under your chin, your elbows in tightly and your fingers close together. It should look clean and neat.

Smile lots! Work on the peppy look and the attitude look. Use your face during the dance portion of the audition. When yelling the cheers, put more base in your voice. The words dont sound as clear when they are yelled with the girly voice. Be confident. Work on your toe touch. This will come with time, but you will want to show them some kind of potential.