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Position:Home>Dancing> Im oing on pointe soon and im clueless about what i need?

Question:i dont know what a shank is what any thing is do i need rouson please please tell me every thing you know person with the most facts wins

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i dont know what a shank is what any thing is do i need rouson please please tell me every thing you know person with the most facts wins

To answer all of you questins:

1. What you need:
a. pointe shoes
b. gel pads- come in different sizes and colors
c. ribbons to sew on your pointe shoes(yes you have to do it)
d. elestics to sew on also
Ps. I know someone above me said bandaids, tape, wool ect. YOU DO NOT NEED THOSE! THEY WILL IN FACT HURT YOU MORE, UNLESS A PROFESSIONAL LOOKS AT YOU FEET, AND SAYS YOU NEED THEM. ( sorry for the caps, I just can't belive the person above said that)

2.What is a shank?
A shank it the inside of the shoe. It is what holds you up, like the sloe of street shoes, but harder.

3.You only need rosin if you are daning on wood floors. Rosin is a thing of the past now, since so many people have rubber.

4. extra facts: (since I want to win! : )

to strenthen your feet while you are waiting to get your shoes- get a rubber band and rap it around your foot then point and flex, over and over. -get marbles of other small objects, and try to pick them up with ur toes and cary thin across the room. maybe time your self!!!!

Hope this helps! bye! -Katie

you need a just not sure what is called

okay so when you first start pointe, it's a litltle painful depending on most people
heres what you would need from long term to short term
pointe shoes (obv)
toe pads (either foam or lambs wool)
extra lambs wool
toe tape (to protect against blisters)
band aids

The shank is the sole of the pointe shoe, the peice that runs from the end of the box to 3/4 heel. Make sure youre being fit for pointe shoes at a reputable store. You may also want some padding (ouch puches, lambs wool, etc) and soem things to deal with specific issues with your feet (big tips, toe tape for example). You dont need to buy your own rosin your studio should have some. If not, dont blow money on it, crushed up chalk works just as well.
If the dance shoppe doesnt supply it, youll need ribbons and elastic, and thread to sew them on. Waxed thread or even dental floss works really well! You may want a thimble for sewing them too!