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Position:Home>Dancing> Where do you practise?

Question:Do you find it embarrassing practising in front of others? Would you practise in the garden where your neighbours might be able to see you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you find it embarrassing practising in front of others? Would you practise in the garden where your neighbours might be able to see you?

No, in summer i love to practice outside! I don't care it makes me feel confident and incase people are watching t makes me concentrate more cos i don't want to mess up!

haha, aww dont worry!

im a dancer, and train in musical theatre and yeah at first when i went through dances you felt like a twat but if your passionate and feel your good enough to just show offf.....!!!

then go for it, let people see you love it and you're passionate about it.

any wide open space is good enough. i do it on the train in to london.

if neighbours see im sure they will be impressed!


keep dancing
coco x

Um, I do not go out of my way to practice in front of people, but if a neighbor happens to see me, I don't really freak out.

You just have to get to a realization that people aren't going to think any less of you if you mess up on a step or get embarrassed when people see you dance!!!

I practice in my room and then when I have it perfectly down i show my friends and if i mess up....all my friendss are dorkss anyway so i just laugh it off =]

no i would practise in my house up in my room

when its warm i practice in my yard

Sometimes I practice in my own home but every Saturday my friends and I hit the local YMCA and dance in this little room with mirrors and everything. It's a great place to dance and pretty solitary also.
It is a little embarrassing to dance in front of strangers, but once we get better, my friends and I will be IN DA CLUB!
I practice martial arts in my backyard... but our fences cover the neighbor's view.

nope. i dont find it embarrassing. they shouldnt be snooping on others you know. ;b. be confident.

why not practice in a dance studio? or a large space in your house? maybe the garage.....if you have enough space there... ?

I practice at my theatre, it is a rather large building with unused rooms almost constantly. Since I'm paid to work there, I naturally feel I should practice there, but if you don't have those resources you should never feel embarrassed about neighbours seeing you. It might even be a good motivation for you to do better. Hey, even enlist the help of a few neighbours sometime, to be your test "audience". You might find you have a new critic with good advice, and it might prove a fun way to bond with your neighbours. I live in an apartment with several of my fellow employees of the theatre, and sometimes the single mother beneath us comes up to see what all the thumping is about. She gets company and a way to spend her time, we get an audience and helpful advice from a non-dancer's point of view. It benefits both parties!