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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the best instructional DVD for learning Ballet turns?

Question:I am a male 80s freestyle dancer and I am only interested in learning ballet turns/pirouettes. That is the only aspect of ballet I am interested in. Is there an instructional DVD that specializes in doing them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a male 80s freestyle dancer and I am only interested in learning ballet turns/pirouettes. That is the only aspect of ballet I am interested in. Is there an instructional DVD that specializes in doing them?

Do you want to learn ballet turns or just turns in general? Ballet turns are done from various different preps with a turned out passe, and you spot your head. There are tons of videos on YouTube that show pirouettes. Try looking there and see if you can just pick it up from demonstration instead of a step-by-step instruction.