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Position:Home>Dancing> Am I the only one that doesn't watch America's Best Dance Crew?

Question:I don't know why, but it look boring.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know why, but it look boring.

I watch it every once in a while, but not a lot.
The people on there are REALLY good dancers, but the thing is they are basically ALL hip-hop and street dancing.

I kind of wanted to see a variety of routines, yknow? Hip-Hop, but also some tap, jazz, lyrical, pointe, etc.

Now THAT would be cool :)

ya it does

you probably are. I love that show dude .

I am right with you, I never watch that show.

No, you're not; I haven't watched TV for years.

no ur not dance is like mi life but i dotn like that show. iono looks boring to mee. kinda looks fake too. w.e

i dnt watch it

its so boring to me

never heard of it... lol