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Position:Home>Dancing> When should I go on pointe (ballet)?

Question:I am in 8th grade and this past 8th grade year has been my first year in ballet. I am currently taking a "beginning teen ballet" class thats 1 hour once a week and i'm meeting and exceeding the standards of this class. (Based on what the teacher has taught us). If I continue to do this every year that i do ballet, what year should I go on pointe???

Thank You!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am in 8th grade and this past 8th grade year has been my first year in ballet. I am currently taking a "beginning teen ballet" class thats 1 hour once a week and i'm meeting and exceeding the standards of this class. (Based on what the teacher has taught us). If I continue to do this every year that i do ballet, what year should I go on pointe???

Thank You!!

First things first...I love your user name.

Secondly, a lot of factors will go into determining when you're ready. I was in a similar boat, I was a gymnast before I started traditional ballet at 13, 8th grade. I started that September, and started pointe that Christmas time. But I also had a lot fo technique, strength, etc. It sounds like you may have a lot fo the same things going on.
Keep working hard in class and definately let your teacher know what your goals are so together you can decide how best to to achieve them.

It really depends on your ability and your teacher's willingness to start you on pointe. When I was in dance my teacher started us around freshman year of high school. I even had friends who went to another studio who were starting pointe in the 6th grade. So I guess it really depends. It sounds to me that you are ready now, though.

There is no set age or year you go on pointe. Your teacher will have a really good idea on when you'll be ready. If you really want to get on pointe sooner than later, try taking at least two classes per week and talk to your teacher about other things you can do to get your body prepared for pointe.

Good luck!!

My daughter has been doing ballet for 6 years, she is 11 and has just recently been allowed to go to pointe. I think it depends on the strength of your toes and poise. Your dance teacher should be noticing how well you are doing and I think you should ask her.

Follow your teacher's advice, if you think him/her competent. In any case, don't be in too much hurry; too soon can really mess you up.

When your feet and technique are strong enough for it your teacher will let you know that you are ready

it depends on how strong u are and your arch in ur foot.
i got en pointe after 6months...because i worked hard and did ballet 2 times a week.ur ankles have to be really strong...

i would say 6 months - 2 years at the latest../...your te right age so i dnt see y not.

its recommended that u should do 2-3 classes a week to get onto pointe..

well you have to build up leg muscle so it will be a good few years.

If i were you, i would take more classes rather than just once a week, maybe one more challenging and then another slightly easy...
that will speed up the time to when you get to pointe.

good luck!

You should be taking at least 3 90 minute classes a week before you go en pointe. That will probably mean moving up from the teen beginner class to something more advanced. Your teacher will tell you when you're ready to go en pointe. There's no set amount of years that it will take you to be ready, but it will take a few.

It actually depends to how strong your ankles are and if it can handle carrying almost all your weight. But i think your close in doing pointe shoes. Good luck! :)

well you should try doing grade ballet instead as there might be stuff you dont know.and you need to ask your self
1 can i do a pirroette (demi pointe)
2 can i do a grade jete
3 am i ready to suffer pain and never let anyone see the state my feet are in
4 has your teacher said anything to you about pointe

if all yes then ask her if you can start \your teacher that is

and if your teacher hasnt said anything ask her

and if your cant do the other things then learn them first

hope this helps good luck

I'm in 8th grade too, and this is my first year of pointe, and I've been dancing for ten years. I have some freshmen in my class who are just starting pointe, since last year was their first year, so hey, maybe you'll go up next year!