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Position:Home>Dancing> Knee pain from pointe?

Question:I just started pointe and have only taken 3 classes so far, I noticed on Wed after class that my left knee was KILLING me, and it still is, on Friday at 8 pm. It's no where near as bad now as it was, but I am worried, I only do pointe at the barre, however I know that acquiring an injury from pointe is very easy, does or did this happen to anyone else?? It just feels really achy now, help. Thanks in advance, happy dancing to all!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just started pointe and have only taken 3 classes so far, I noticed on Wed after class that my left knee was KILLING me, and it still is, on Friday at 8 pm. It's no where near as bad now as it was, but I am worried, I only do pointe at the barre, however I know that acquiring an injury from pointe is very easy, does or did this happen to anyone else?? It just feels really achy now, help. Thanks in advance, happy dancing to all!

That means that when you stand on it your not straitening it. If you don't straighten the knee on your standing leg you will get these HUGE muscles that look really weird over your knee and your knee will start to cramp up. I can't be sure this is whats causing the problem so ask your teacher about and see what she says just to be sure. Until your next dance class for now, I would put some ice on it, or not move it for a while.
I hope your knee feels better soon!

1. talk to your teacher
2. if it continues see a doctor\
3. stop if it gets too bad, you'll only feel worse if you keep doing it

ive had that before im 13 years old and ive been taking point since i was nine and wat u need to do is take like muscle rub and rub it on the areas it hurts and then put gause on it..try to baby it a little

Ask your teacher doctor more about it. But if i were you, i would take it easy first and not accelerate too much effort so that it would hurt less and rub a warm compress to help ease the pain. Hope you feel better soon, take care and happy dancing too! :)

That means you're not turning out from your hips. Pointe is putting even more srain on your knee, so that's why the pain is showing up now. I can't be sure that this is the cause of the problem though, so ask your teacher. I would advise going to a dance therapist instead of a doctor for your dance-related injuries because a doctor will just throw some painkillers at you and tell you to stay off of the injury for several weeks.