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Position:Home>Dancing> Can i still dance with shin splints?

Question:I would recommend taking some time off from dance to make sure they heal completely. It is possible to dance with shin splints but it is not going to be comfortable. Shin Splints is the separation of muscle from the bone. It is usually caused by excessive jumping, or running, or not putting your heals down while jumping. If you can not take time off from dance I would do everything but jumps, leaps and anything else that involves pressure on the shins. To help speed the healing process for shin splints I would ice, and tape your shins. I would recommend asking a physical therapist they best way to tape your shins or go online and see if you can mind a method there. But at the least you must ice. Also make sure you are wearing supportive shoes, when your not dancing, like sneakers/tennis shoes, no flip flops or heels! If you take it easy in dance for about 2 weeks and your shins still hurt you need to see a physical therapist or podiatrist. You could possibly have a fracture in your shins, but that is only the case if your shin splints haven't gone away completely in 3 weeks since icing and not jumping during dance class.
Best of luck to you! and Take it easy!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would recommend taking some time off from dance to make sure they heal completely. It is possible to dance with shin splints but it is not going to be comfortable. Shin Splints is the separation of muscle from the bone. It is usually caused by excessive jumping, or running, or not putting your heals down while jumping. If you can not take time off from dance I would do everything but jumps, leaps and anything else that involves pressure on the shins. To help speed the healing process for shin splints I would ice, and tape your shins. I would recommend asking a physical therapist they best way to tape your shins or go online and see if you can mind a method there. But at the least you must ice. Also make sure you are wearing supportive shoes, when your not dancing, like sneakers/tennis shoes, no flip flops or heels! If you take it easy in dance for about 2 weeks and your shins still hurt you need to see a physical therapist or podiatrist. You could possibly have a fracture in your shins, but that is only the case if your shin splints haven't gone away completely in 3 weeks since icing and not jumping during dance class.
Best of luck to you! and Take it easy!

Yeah but it won't be comfortable. It'll heal up in a week or so. I'd take it easy until then it's not that long. Practice in a way that doesn't require you to stress shin.

Ya you can, But don't push it.Do do anything that will hurt them to bad, Try to stretch it out if you can By flexing your feet and bending forward. I get them ALL the time from dance. Its horrible. good Luck with yours!

rest is the only thing that will allow the shin splints to heal.

take it easy, no jumping, and let them get better before they get so bad you cant dance at all.

also, ice before and after each class with help with the discomfort.

of course you can but take it easy. i tend to get shin splits a lot especially during the winter, but as long as you ice it, (and it sometimes helps to wear a wrap) then you will be fine. also i wouldn't do any jumps or anything that hurts too bad. rest is the only was to heal it, but you can still dance. I am in the middle of competition season, so i would still go to practice, but if your recreational or just don't have any big events coming up, i would rest.

I wouldnt its best to let them rest before you start dacning again!! unless you have something big coming up? then only do things that relate to that!!