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Position:Home>Dancing> Front Limber and Front Walkover! EMERGENCY!?

Question:I can AlMOST do a front limber and a front walkover! I just cannot get out of my bridge! HELP

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can AlMOST do a front limber and a front walkover! I just cannot get out of my bridge! HELP

that means your back is not strong enough.
you need to start exercising your back and building strength. Start doing the Superman (lay down on the floor on your stomach, put your arms alongside your body, and lift your legs and chin off the ground, as high as you can go.) also start doing the bridge against a wall, stand NOT facing the wall, and do your bridge against the wall, and walk your hands up the wall so you can practice coming out of your bridge.

A lot of it is that you need to keep building your back strength, but also, trying to push off your arms to pull up as fast as possible so you don;t lose the momentum. The bigger the arch in your back, and the closer you can land your feet to your hands the better