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Position:Home>Dancing> What music video was i watching?

Question:it was a song but i can't remember the song lyrics at all i just love the video cos it was choreographed really well, there was about 8 treadmills with about 4 people doing some cool dance on them it was really cool does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it was a song but i can't remember the song lyrics at all i just love the video cos it was choreographed really well, there was about 8 treadmills with about 4 people doing some cool dance on them it was really cool does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Here It Goes Again by OK Go

OK go-here it goes again

i know, its soo cool! heres the music vid again

***and please answer my question!;...

I think you are talking about that band OK!

OK Go - Here It Goes Again ?

Here we go Again by OK! Go ... I'm almost sure

OOOO..ive seen that..some old band..i think..o well cant remember

Look On Youtube chicky!! You might be able to find your video there!! G@@D LUCK!!

Its one of the many entertaining videos from the band "Ok Go".

Here is Goes Again by OK GO its on youtube and itunes

thank you so much for that. i just watched it on youtube and it was so cool. thanks again.

i know i its called ok go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahaha
i love that
try that!!!!!!!!