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Question:im nearly there doin front splits and side splits, today will i be able to do it fully?im sooo tempted to do it!if its possible what stretches should i do?iwill do anything to make it possible!plze help,im tempted to pull a muscle or sumic if no-one helps !if you can talk me through it or sumic and you hav yahoo messenger plze tell me so you can help me!

ive jus done a butterfly stretch and all of a suddel my head could touch the floor for the first time!after i got up there was a bit pain in my leg but i never forced myself, and i got further down on the splits,is it normal?

...5minsl8r.....i try splits agen but im back to normal with front splits but im even worser with sidesplits!wat hav i done? i did plenty stretches.when i did the butterfly streth my leg bone cracked(as usawal). why is my sidesplit goin worse instead of better? wil it be ok later?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im nearly there doin front splits and side splits, today will i be able to do it fully?im sooo tempted to do it!if its possible what stretches should i do?iwill do anything to make it possible!plze help,im tempted to pull a muscle or sumic if no-one helps !if you can talk me through it or sumic and you hav yahoo messenger plze tell me so you can help me!

ive jus done a butterfly stretch and all of a suddel my head could touch the floor for the first time!after i got up there was a bit pain in my leg but i never forced myself, and i got further down on the splits,is it normal?

...5minsl8r.....i try splits agen but im back to normal with front splits but im even worser with sidesplits!wat hav i done? i did plenty stretches.when i did the butterfly streth my leg bone cracked(as usawal). why is my sidesplit goin worse instead of better? wil it be ok later?

Some people are just more naturally flexible than others. I believe that ANYONE who really works at it can learn to do the splits. However, before you try to get into a split, be sure you have stretched your legs.

Try a pike stretch 1st; sit on the floor on a pike, legs straight, toes pointed, and try and get your nose as close to your knees as you can. Hold for 30 seconds. Next, flex your feet, keeping the nose as far down as possible. After you have done this, sit in a wide straddle, and attempt to get your elbows on the floor. Hold 30 seconds, then reach your hands as far out as possible, attempting to put your nose on the floor. Again, hold 30 seconds.

Next, place either leg in front, and lunge from your knee; your rear knee is on the floor, your front foot is far in front. Hold 30 seconds, then sit back, straighten the front leg, and try to place your nose on your knees. Then slide as far into the split as you are able. Repeat on the other side. Hold each position 30 seconds.

NEVER bounce while stretching or push yourself past the point of pain. Slow and steady does it.

Many people feel that the body is more flexible after a warm bath, so you may want to try these drills after a warm bath. I advise doing this 2 times daily, morning and evening. If you keep at it, you should see a lot of improvement in your flexibility.

Your probably just need more time to stretch and wait a long while before trying that. Become even more flexable.

Whatever you do don't force it! If you push more than your body can handle you will damage the muscle and be less flexible than you were before.

Before you go forcing yourself into the splits warm up a bit. Get your heart rate up, a little jog or maybe try skipping for 5-10mins. This way you wont shock your muscles. Once a little warmer, try gentle stretching. Do some lunges, once in the position hold it for 10-20 seconds and remember to breathe. A little bit each day will help so much but never do it from cold.

get a leg stretching machine

When i just began ballet, stretching was my first priority, as it gave me a step up where i needed it. There are a few stretches i did every day that helped me and showed me amazing results. I can now put my leg up on a chair and go to the ground, because of stretching so much. Just put your mind to it and do it every day. OK. so the strectches i use, first, just put both legs foreward in a sitting position and fall foreward. My ballet trainer said that for the muscles to succuessfully be stretched, you must hold the stretch for a period of at least 30 seconds. I do 3 sets of 30 seconds for each stretch. The second stretch that works well is sitting on the floor, and bend one leg back behind you, and the other foreward. Fall foreward to your straight front leg, while pusing towards the bent leg's hip. Good luck and happy stretching!