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Position:Home>Dancing> I was in ballet class from the age of 3 and quit at 10 years old. I'm almost

Question:I'd love to give it a second try, i won't let those 7 years be wasted, could i get into ballet again? should i?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd love to give it a second try, i won't let those 7 years be wasted, could i get into ballet again? should i?

By all means, do. It's not a question of whether you can - you have muscle memory, and you'll find you remember how to do things you thought you could never do again! You're body is just rusty. It's a question of whether you YOU think you should! And if it's something you really want to go for, then go for it! I'm over 20, and only started in my twenties, and wish I could have started as a kid! (I did karate, instead, and I do happen to remember a few things that help me learning dance). If you wanna do it, DO it ^_^

you should and DEFINATLEY can!!!!
Good luck and carry out your dreams!!

Yes, of course. But the question is will you give it your all this time, i mean if it is really important to you i don't think quiting for a while then coming back will make a difference!

Have fun and good luck!!

of course you can
i would try a little bit lower class just to start off so you can see what level your at
they can always move you up

of course you can! go for it girly!

i haven't been in taekwondo for about three-four years, and now i'm looking around to see if there are taekwondo places around here (i moved) so that i can start again in the fall.

it's all about attitude. if you really like ballet, go for it. more likely than not, signing up for a beginner's class will help you feel more comfortable because it will be on a clean slate.