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Position:Home>Dancing> JabbawockeeZ won!!!!!?

Question:yay! :'D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yay! :'D

woooohooo im soo happyy

ahahaha i voted like 876545678 timess



phil tayag
is hotttt

yeah babayyy!!
im on d west coast so i hvnt seen it yet but WOOHOO!!!

ahhh i know!! i was soo happy!!!

HELLZ YE!!!!!!!!

i know!!! im soo happy!!! i loved them since the beginning!!!

hell yeah!!!! damn right they won. go jabba!!!

Stfu. =[
God, it's a joke. I don't hate JabbaWockeeZ.

HELLLLLLLLLLLL YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was soooo happy. I mean seriously kabba modern really wasn't that good.

The jabbawockeez kick *** major.

that's what's up!!! :D i love them so much!!