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Position:Home>Dancing> What do i wear to my school dance?

Question:im verry confused!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im verry confused!

juss casuall dress... anythang that fits you comfortable, light, and what you want!

wear CASUAL. do not overdress!
just wear what you would wear on a normal basis:)

just wear what you normally wear to school.
u don't really have to "dress up"
i hope you have fun! : ]

A low cut half shirt and a miniskirt

well if its just a regular school dance u can wear anything like jeans and a nice shirt or khakis and a nice shirt no tshirts or anything like that though blech.....but if its formal well im sure u know what to do tux lol

well it would depend on the theme of ur dance....if it is a regular school dance then you wear what the ladies like. for example, if ur into gangsta girls wear loose jeans and a jersey.....if ur into preps wear hollister......if ur into rockers wear tight emo jeans....if u just wanna look nice wear a nice pair of jeans that wont fall off you....dont wear em to loose cause it looks sloppy and girls dont like that....wear em with a dress up shirt so that it dosent look too casual,,, but dont tuck in ur shirt and avoid the tie....if it's supposed to be a formal dance then u'll have to wear a suit....but wear a unique suit so that u stand out....maybe a stripped one like beatlejuice:p

just normal clothes. what you would wear to school.