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Position:Home>Dancing> My dance song is too long...I need to make it shorter. How?

Question:My dance song is like 5:42 and I need to make like to a 3 minute dance. How do I do that? Is there a program? if so where can I get it? Do I have to pay for it? Is there a free way? Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dance song is like 5:42 and I need to make like to a 3 minute dance. How do I do that? Is there a program? if so where can I get it? Do I have to pay for it? Is there a free way? Thanks!

there are many programs for shortening track lengths. If you own an apple mac you can use garageband or if you own a PC it is possible to do in windows movie maker, if you drag the song onto a song timeline you can crop it b clicking and dragging on the ends of the item