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Position:Home>Dancing> I am 21 Is it late to start to dance Flamenco? THANK'S?

Question:I don't think so its not like you are 80 or something honestly you could probably start when you are 40 and be fine. I would og for it if i were you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't think so its not like you are 80 or something honestly you could probably start when you are 40 and be fine. I would og for it if i were you.

No of course not, it's never to late to learn to dance!!

Flamenco is especially easy to pick up whenever as it is not so technical as other dances such as ballet.

A lot of it actually revolves around improvisation so id reccomend you go with friends and a lot of confidence as in a room full of strangers it can be intimidating.

It doesnt require too much fitness either as most of the work is concentrated on small stepping foot movements , swaying of the body and waving of the arms- so its not too strenuos.

I am an experienced dancer and occasional teacher, and although i do not teach flamenco or specialise in it i have attended several sessions and i gurantee It is a lot of fun and a lot easier to pick up than most other dance classes.

Another suggestion that i reccomend to those wanting to pick up dance is salsa, its an incredibly fun, social dance and draws many similarities with flamenco. Again i stress go with friends - both dances take confidence and a lot of people whom i teach dance to come alone and are incredibly (understandably ) self conscious and do not get as much enjoyment and skill out of the class as they could

Hop[e i helped

hey are you kidding it is never too late to start Dance Flamenco, well except when the person is too old. But you are at a perfect age to start dance flamenco.

Its never late to do anything sunshine!

It's never too late to dance!

It is never late, you should go for it!!!