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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to be a cheerleader help me!?

Question:hey im going to try out for my freshman year of high school. and all my friends are cheerleaders. so they helped me on the dancing and cheer and chants... but i need help on my jumps and my splits are like one inch away from the ground...people have tried pushing me down but i cant stay down....please help me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey im going to try out for my freshman year of high school. and all my friends are cheerleaders. so they helped me on the dancing and cheer and chants... but i need help on my jumps and my splits are like one inch away from the ground...people have tried pushing me down but i cant stay down....please help me

number one rule: dont have them push you down! you risk pulling a muscle or tearing a ligament and then you wont be able to do them at all!

before you do the splits, do leg stretches. Practice every chance you get.. even if you dont get all the way down.. just practice practice practice.

im a dancer and the splits is needed more than you know.. i was a cheerleader for years before the dancing and you need the splits wayyy more in cheer. For example, toe touches. =)

the jumps, keep a straight posture no matter what.. if you hit it or not, the posture makes it look so much more cleaner.

just practice and you'll get it.

p.s. another way to get your legs used to the splitting is kicking as high as you can straight in front of you. Alternate legs. dont bend your back to go in further.. just keep kicking untill you get far enough where you're comfortable to stretch that far on ground.


stretch A LOT, it takes a long time to get down. If you stretch every extra minute, or while you do homework, you will get down. also do warm ups before stretching and do other types of stretches other than the spilts.

As for the jumps, work your leg muscles until they are the strongest part of your body. Jump over and over again until you know you are doing it right. Practice makes perfect.

I am a dancer and I have perfect splits and jumps, so I know what I am talking about. If you really really want to be a cheerleader, then you can be one.

Tip: Are you overweight? if you arent, thats perfect, if you are, it may help to lose. Ask a doctor... if you get too skinny though, you will have a lot of problems with the jumps, and you will look sloppy.


doing them alot that alway helps you might pull a few musles though