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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i prevent blisters on my thighs and hands from pole dancing?

Question:any tips please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any tips please?

use powder it will help you slide easier and you can get some sexy fragrance like rapture from victoria secrets

dont pole dance!


Keep doing it, eventually your skin will toughen.

uummm i would sugjest that u dont pole dance, maybe try out a new typ of dancing. Maybe exotic?

Put some grease on the pole.

put a small bit of vaseline on the parts of your body which get blisters.

dont cover yourself in it though

Get another profession!!!!

try some cocabutter lotion it isnt to slippery

i say, wear really sheer tights and lots of lotion. if you can't wear tights, put vasaline on them, it'll be slippery but, no blisters!!

Dry lube, like baby powder or something. That way it won't be gross for the girls that use the poles after you (although they should be wiped down after your set anyway). I think if you just apply a light layer, it'll still give you enough friction so you don't hurt yourself. And it won't make you all gunky or slimy.

Butter. Preferably "I can't believe its not butter" Butter. The spray is the best.

talc powder

Haha this is the funniest question ever! Hope you find something that works!

you put tape on blisters on your feet. so just try to wear something that will cover the skin where the blisters are like tape or some type of clothing?!
hope this helps some?!

put pads that people cant see on the areas so it doesnt burn the skin

some sort of powder. If you do it as a job, guys may not like seeing you powder up the pole, so before your set, go freshen your makeup or whatever and powder your parts that'll be touching the pole. It should mostly rub off by the time your done, so you don't really have to worry about it getting on guys clothes if you give them a dance afterwards!

I've actually never gotten blisters from the pole, just bruises. But when I was a gymnast we used chalk to help with blisters on the bars. I use it now to keep my hands dry when on the pole. I think it'd prob help to prevent blisters too.