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Position:Home>Dancing> Has anyone ever started ballet at age 14?

Question:What was it like? Did you have to learn with the younger kids?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What was it like? Did you have to learn with the younger kids?

I started taking ballet at age 13 and at my studio and at first I had to be in a class with little girls, but about halfway into the year they moved me up into a higher level class. It really depends on which studio you go to, some studios have classes for beginning teens and adults. If you are interested in ballet, I would definetly encourage you to go ahead and start. Good luck!

I actually started ballet when i was 5, but my teacher has a teen/adult class for teens and adults who are just starting out in ballet. If you are interested in that type of class, i would look around for a ballet studio with that type of class.(most do)

I started ballet last year when I was 14. I took private classes because I wanted to take pointe. If you can take private classes I would suggest that because you will learn the most and you can learn at your own speed. In my first year I learned things like barre exercises, pirouetttes, grande jete, tour jete, arabesque,assemble, entrechat, echappe, glissade, pas de chat, piquee, saut de basque, sissonne, things like that. Also private classes helped my out alot this year I take pointe and im in my studios jr elite ballet class.

I started when I was 7.

I started when I was 3. but there are a lot of people who learn at 14. They generally seek private lessons until they are up to their age's par.

I started when i was 13 at a professional school (i had taken it at an unprofessional school before) it was a little scary and yes the kids are younger but be CONFIDENT in yourself, work hard, and focus as MUCH as possible. Trust me, it'll be ok. idk where you are going to start but i'd go to a more relaxed place first, then start intensive summer programs when you feel ready, then find a professional school and work your but off =)