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Position:Home>Dancing> Pointe shoe tips!?

Question:I've been on pointe for a while now and it's so fun... except when my feet hurt! My teacher only allows me to use lambs wool for padding so I can feel the floor. I also tape my toes to prevent blisters. I have Chacotts. My feet almost never feel comfortable and I was wondering if you have tips for me on how to make my feet feel better when I'm dancing.
Thanks so much!!
BTW I love meeting dancers so feel free to email me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been on pointe for a while now and it's so fun... except when my feet hurt! My teacher only allows me to use lambs wool for padding so I can feel the floor. I also tape my toes to prevent blisters. I have Chacotts. My feet almost never feel comfortable and I was wondering if you have tips for me on how to make my feet feel better when I'm dancing.
Thanks so much!!
BTW I love meeting dancers so feel free to email me!

I've never had Chacotts, but do they have squishy padding in the toe? If so, you might want to try removing it. I know this sounds strange, but it works!

I happen to disagree w/ your teacher, I think you should be able to wear toe pads that let you feel the floor without being in constant pain, but I understand their reasoning. My suggestion is to make do with what you've got. After a while, you'll get used to the pain, and concentrating will numb it. Allow blisters and callouses to build up. No matter how groes or strange that sounds, it works! Dry skin doesn't hurt either. =)

One final suggestion is to try a different shoe. If you have a strong foot or high arch, I would definetly recomend Gaynor Mindens. Thay're very expensive, because they have plastic in the toe and are really comfy. I'd never thought I'd be able to say pointe shoes were comfortable, but these are! I can even wear them without padding if I choose.

May many years of fun and blisters lie ahead! Good luck!

have u tried different shoes? this could help. have u tried spaces or those little things of gell u put on the box inside the shoe, like and extra pad? they really work. good luck. feel free to email me i have been on pointe for oer 4 years.

well i think your teacher is wrong, you should use whatever you need to to be the best you can be...but i guess that doesnt help....

you might want to try individually wrapping toes of parts that hurt the most, also DUCT TAPE IS GOD it seems weird but its very supportive (just dont put it over blisters). if your shoes dont have the squishy thing at the top (im not familiar with ur brand) you could buy some. they are just tiny pieces of gel that you stick to the inside of the shoes, they can help a lot and your teacher wont noticeunless she takes the time to really inspect your shoes

good luck!!!

I think your teacher is wrong. Have you tried talking to her? Go with your mom and talk to her about how much pain you are in from the toes pads, and ask if you can get new ones. Try ouch pads, and jell pads. These are really helpful, I have both of them. If talking to your teacher doesn't work try getting a new shoe. Go to a dancer store and try on different kinds to see which brand feels the best on you. If you love your shoe and don't want to give it up try some of these pointe exercises: Put your fingers in between each of your toes move your hand in circles. You will be surprised at how much the ball of your foot can bend. Also, try therabands. Put the ball of your foot in the band and point and flex. I hope these tips help you. Have fun dancing!

Sorry, but pointe will never actually be comfortable. If your feet hurt really bad, ask your teacher if you can use a different kind of padding that still allows you to feel the floor because your feet are hurting too much. I usually just use a gel tip on my big toe and then tape the rest of my toes or wrap half a paper towel around my toes and tape them. If I have to be en pointe for several hours and my feet are really hurting, I use Ouch Pouches.

try these..

or these

even new pads would help, something with a bit more cushion. i have these and there great!

if none of the above work, try switching shoes! best of luck :]

i have bloch sonatas and they are amazing!
i feel over the box and theyre fairly easy to break in..
there also comfortable.
lambs wool is good only for begginers..
i use ouch pouches which work really well.

=] good luck