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Question:How much can and 8 year old improve their turnout?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How much can and 8 year old improve their turnout?

Depending on how much natural turnout they have, they can probably improve it a lot over a few years. What you need to do is learn how to turn out from your hips. It takes more effort and will work your muscles harder, but if you turn out from your knees, you will develop a lot of knee problems and pain. To find your turnout muscles, stand up and put one of your legs out in front of you a few inches off the ground. Then try to turn out as far as you can while keeping your hips facing directly forward. The muscles you feel working are vital for correct turnout, and you should try to use them whenever you turn out. You will get sore at first, but eventually you won't even have to think about using the muscles because it will be second nature. To improve your actual range of motion, stretch your middle splits and do the frog stretch where you lay on your stomach and bend you knees so you're in a demi plie on the floor. Keep your hips touching the floor and try to use your turnout muscles to try and get your legs completely flat on the floor.

well the best way to improve it is to turnout from your hips and even if you have your knees bent just do it, and as you get strength you can gradually stretch them. DONT TURN OUT FROM YOUR KNEES! also, dont force the turnout because the 8 year old would still be growing so you dont want to injure her which would be easy to do because when you grow your muscles get floppy so dont start making them grow weirdly.

you can improve it quite a lot but you have to be careful that when you grow you don't lose it all.
