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Position:Home>Dancing> I just was asked to go on pointe any good tips??

Question:my school is really serious and doesn't put u on pointe unless your feet are ready i still have to make a appointment to get my shoes fit! but i was wondering some good tips??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my school is really serious and doesn't put u on pointe unless your feet are ready i still have to make a appointment to get my shoes fit! but i was wondering some good tips??

My best advice is to not give up no matter how impossible it may seem at times. When I first started, I was really excited and didn't realize how much work it would be. After my first lesson, I was thinking that maybe I wasn't ready after all. But I kept with it and the next year I was already doing a solo.

ive only been on pointe for like 2 yeah, well my advice would be to make sure you get those soft lambs wool toe pads to start out, they are a lot easier than the gel ones for beginners..also, don't try to hard on the first few days when you use them because your toes will start to hurt when you first use them.

Don't be scared! I have been on pointe for three years now and one of the most important things is to not be scared while on pointe. If you are, you start to lose balance and can easily hurt yourself.
Try and get something like an ouch pouch or lamb's wool to put on your feet so they won't hurt as much.
The rest is really up to you. I wish you luck!

Congratulations! I've been on pointe for awhile now, and it's a lot of hard work. My only tips are to work hard and pull up out of your shoe. :-)

YAY!!! Congrats on the move up! sorry, i dont hav my toe shoes yet so i dont know wat 2 say but congrats!!! srry, i know, waste of an answer..but i just wanted 2 say congrats!!!

When you first try on your pointe shoes they are going to feel weird. They should feel a little tight but your toes should be able to relax a little bit in them. Start out slowly and make sure to break in the pointe shoes before you go up on pointe. Make sure you have correct padding and wear some kind of toe tape around your toes to prevent blistering. Since you have not been on pointe your feet have probably not become caloused and you can get blisters really easily especially with new shoes. you will know when you have found the right pair.

→Tape your toes with strapping tape to prevent blisters on your toes. I have done this since I started pointe and I have never had a blister.

→Concentrate really hard when getting fitted, its really easy to just get caught up in the excitement of getting your first pointe shoes. You don't want to get fitted incorrectly.

→Before sewing elastic and ribbons on the shoes, get your teacher to check them on you. That way your teacher can say if its a good shoe for you. If its not you can get refitted.

I hope this helps :) Good Luck in pointe!

Don't try to dance on them the first days because they need broken in. You're teacher will show you simple exercises how to do that. And the last thing is to not get discouraged, you cant be a prima whithout loys of practise and time!