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Position:Home>Dancing> Are gyms usually free?

Question:I really just want to breakdance in the gym and possibly do some tricking. I've never really been to a gym and maybe im too lazy to go check for myself? lol
I can go without it whereas i practice at home and at the park but im just curious...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really just want to breakdance in the gym and possibly do some tricking. I've never really been to a gym and maybe im too lazy to go check for myself? lol
I can go without it whereas i practice at home and at the park but im just curious...

well i am a dancer and i needed a place to practice in my free time so i asked my pricipal if i could use the gym after school and she said yes
maybe that is what you should do

nope, sorry

Most gyms, like the YMCA, have a membership fee. There may be some public gyms that you could use for free if you call around your area.

They're generally pretty expensive.
My husband and I use 24Hour and it was $180 to start up and $60 a month and that was during a special promotion.

No, if the gym was free, everyone would be going there.



No, there's normally a monthly or daily fee. The gym would probably be held liable if you hurt yourself at their establishment. They have to have a way to cover that cost, and also, most gyms operate for a profit.

if you want a membership there they're probably going to charge you.
but if you just want a room to practice dancing, sometimes they'll let you in there if its empty.

i wish