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Position:Home>Dancing> Would i scratch my tap dance shoes after a while if i tap too much on TILES. ?

Question:im 14
and i do tap..
have been for a couple months..
so im still a beginner (:

i wanna do more then the hour a week i do in class so i tap at home on tiles..
would this end up eventually wrecking my tap shoes ?

any help ? (:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im 14
and i do tap..
have been for a couple months..
so im still a beginner (:

i wanna do more then the hour a week i do in class so i tap at home on tiles..
would this end up eventually wrecking my tap shoes ?

any help ? (:

I would think you would scratch the tiles! If things are still the same, since you are a beginner, your taps on your shoes are probably tight. When you become a better dancer and can control your taps, they will be loosened. I think you should practice on the same surface as the one in your class. However, if you can't do that, tap on cement instead. I used to practice in the garage. I like your attitude. Good luck and enjoy.

I agree with the first answer, it might scratch the tiles...I wouldn't worry too much about scratching the plates on your tap shoes. You can't find a shiny surface on my taps, its all scratched lol and that's just from tapping on normal dance studio floors.

Definitely keep on practicing though :)

Also, never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tap on floor boards. I did that and yeeaahhhh very scratched lol. My parents were not happy with the floorboards.

Maybe you can practice on cement?

I hope this helps :)

Yeah well I don't wear my tap shoes anywhere but at the dance studio or at performances. You can still practise without them. Bloch have lots of sneaker type shoes that work just as well for practise. I recommened not using them on surfaces not made for dance shoes!

I don't think it would do much harm to the tap shoes but it certainly wouldn't be good for the tiles.

It will damage the tiles and after a while it will start scraping away at your taps and it stops them sounding as nice

The shoes will do more damage to the tile! If you can, stick to the basement floor.
Taps get scratched up no matter what, thats part of the charm of an old, beat up, broken in shoe! Don;t worry about that, its awesome you want to get more time in!