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Position:Home>Dancing> I have to write a paper about modern dance. what should i write about?

Question:yeah i need a good topic!
anything interesting really....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yeah i need a good topic!
anything interesting really....

Isadora Duncan was the first modern dancer and she is very interesting. So are Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, Alwin Nikolais, Paul Taylor, Alvin Ailey and Twyla Tharp. Alwin Nikolais started as a puppeteer. He used theatrical lighting and props to make motion exciting. I once saw a piece he did with skateboards that was so creative and imaginative I could not believe it. The dance started and it looked like there were fish or salamanders swiming in mid air. As the light gradually came up, you realized these were dancers on skateboards. It started in the low space and ended with people in group shapes skateboarding across the stage.
Isadora Duncan dispanded with technique and danced in flowing greek dresses. She once bore her breastd to the audiance and said, "This is Art." She led a wild life and always wore long flowing scarves. One day her car got stuck in the spoke of the automobile and she broke her neck and died.
Martha Graham developed a dance technique . Warm ups were done on the floor, rather than the ballet bar. She worked on contraction and release.
Doris Humprey wrote the best choreography book ever. You could resd this book and talk about how choreographers still use her method.
Judith Jamison has just retired. She was Alvin Ailey's great female soloist. She has kept the work of this great modern company going since his death. Ailey was one of the first choreographers to use all black dancers.
.Twyla Tharp combined jazz, ballet, and modern to be the most popular and influential choreographer of her time. Even stii her company had financial hardships. She used video to teach. She had a 6 foot tall major dancer named Rose. She was one, if not the first major artists to use popular music. She put modern dance on ballet dancers.
My spell check won't work. You will probably think I'm an idiot, because of all the misspelled words. I can't spell. I majored in modern dance in college, though, and I wrote this all off the top of my head in a hurry. Everyone is starved and I've got to make dinner. Hope you can make some sense of this!

how it originated and what it is today!

you can write bout how Kapoera,a spiritual ceremonial body and mind sort of meditation, plays a major role in break dancing, an artistic way of expression...include visuals

Depends how long it needs to be, you could write about its hsitory, or the history of a certain Modern company (alvin ailey comes to mind)

martha graham started her own modern style :)

you should do it on the new york broadway show "wicked". i havent seen it myself but my ballet teachers have and they loved it