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Position:Home>Dancing> Are there some sort of height and weight requirements to be a professional ballr

Question:For both male and female? If a woman is super tall, would she never be able to be a professional ballroom dancer despite how good she is?

And are there other factors that matter to be a good professional ballroom dancer, e.g. shape of legs? posture? dress size etc?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For both male and female? If a woman is super tall, would she never be able to be a professional ballroom dancer despite how good she is?

And are there other factors that matter to be a good professional ballroom dancer, e.g. shape of legs? posture? dress size etc?

It doesnt really matter how tall a woman is as long as she is suitable for her partner. A super tall skinny woman partnered with a short stumpy male would never do that great on the competition floor.

You dont have to have a certain body shape to be a pro dancer but if you look at the worlds top dancers you will notice that all the men are quite tall with a very slim figure, this is common with both ballroom and latin. The slim figure does compliment their dancing but is not essential for someone wanting to be a pro.

You will notice that most female latin dancers have very stocky legs, this is because they are extremely strong and dancing in high heels builds up muscle in the widest parts of the legs, in world class competitive latin I doubt you would be able to find a dancer who legs are slim.
However in ballroom they do not get as stocky as they do in latin. This is because of a number of reasons including the way ballroom dancers using their legs compared to latin dancers.

All dancers should have good posture, good coaches strongly inforce this in the beginning of a dancers career

doesnt matter!
if your good you good
if your nto good then you better practice,
also you cant be out of shape!
i mean u need to train alot! and u cant show that your tired half way through a performance...

Much of what you see on DWTS is the result of the dancing, not a prerequisite. In competition, it's helpful for partners to have similar heights, but there have been competing pro's with over a foot difference in height.
These people typically dance six or more hours every day. It's hard not to be in shape if you've been doing that for years.

Super tall is actually an advantage for ballroom once she finds a matching partner. Tall people are more noticeable on the dance floor, they cover greater distance without tryign too hard just because their legs are longer.

Posture is developed through exercise and pracrtice. Good posture is a "must" but you learn that skill.

The body types you see on DWTS is a result of dancing for many years. They are not all equal height and weight too. It's just an illusion because you never see short and tall couples together on the same floor. Partners are matched together, and you can't tell who is short and who is tall. In real competition, some couples are short, some are tall and some are avearge.