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Position:Home>Dancing> Can somebody do a pirouette for 15 or 20 seconds if so how can I do it for that

Question:It's possible. Usually when dancers can do this, they have been given the natural gift of a uniquely fabulous center. Even if you have been dancing your entire life, you may never be able to turn for that long. But, if you were blessed with a wonderful center, I would tell you to keep your passe up, really use your plie, stay high up on releve, spot really hard, and keep practicing! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's possible. Usually when dancers can do this, they have been given the natural gift of a uniquely fabulous center. Even if you have been dancing your entire life, you may never be able to turn for that long. But, if you were blessed with a wonderful center, I would tell you to keep your passe up, really use your plie, stay high up on releve, spot really hard, and keep practicing! :)

i'm not sure if you can do a pirouette that long unless you add some fouettes in there..
all you can do is get your single perfect, then your double, then your triple.. and so on
good luck :]
i'm trying to improve mine too so i know its harddd

one time i was in my jazz class and i was playing around with pirrouhettes and i did five in a row with no pumps or fouttes. and in my jazz solo i do a triple

That's a long time to turn. I did ten one time. Ha ha not really. On So You Think You Can Dance, Danny did like 8 in a row. I think that time isn't that important. Mostly you have to make sure you use your plea for the prep into it and spot your head.

*sorry if plea is misspelled. lol

normally in ballet at lease guys are the only ones who are required to do turns for tht long but i know some professionals tht can do it and it took them like 6 years to get it perfect!