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Position:Home>Dancing> Do i have a ballerina body?

Question:i m wondering if i have a chance as a ballerina i just turned 13 i am 5.5 and weigh 116 pound is tht over weight and do i have a chance in the ballet world i already dance for new york dance theater which is really big!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i m wondering if i have a chance as a ballerina i just turned 13 i am 5.5 and weigh 116 pound is tht over weight and do i have a chance in the ballet world i already dance for new york dance theater which is really big!

from what i hear , your body sounds great! 5'5 (which is great hight) and 116 lbs- that sounds like you in good shape. That does not seem overweight at all! I don't know about you dancing skill, but you seem like you have a chance weight wise in the ballet world and weight wise , you seem ready for New York dance theater ! Go for it !! =]

i honestly cant answer that unless i see ur body.
and no u are not overweight.
if u already take class i say ask ur teachers..?

and as cliche as it sounds, anyone can make it if they really want it


Well you already have dance experience, I don't dance professionally and I don't even have the dream of doing that (I really am overweight) so I can't really help you. 116 at 5 foot 5 inches might actually be underweight. Don't worry about your weight, just your % of lean tissue mass vs. % of fatty tissue mass. I don't know how well you dance or how much ballet experience you have but I assume that if you've danced before you have a dancer's body and don't really have to worry about obtaining the traditional ballet body.

If youre an accomplished dancer you may have a lot muscle tone

well the fact that you are 13 makes this question off limits to me

yes, no, maybe! .................I, I, I, just don't know!!!!!!!!!!

i really have no idea. sorry

OK I find it a little odd that you are even asking this question because if you are already with a dance theater then you obviously know they like you or else they wouldn't have even considered you. Another thing I find odd is I am 17 years old and work with the Boston Ballet Company and for theaters to even think about hire you you must already have some dance experience and so since you are with a theater i would think you would know if you have a dancers body or not....

if you already dance for new york ..your probs fine ..unless people have complained..wich i doubt it .

If you love ballet go for it. Chase your dreams! <33 Remember sweetie life is short so you have to live your life!

Didnt you post this questions like twice yetersday? and yesterday didn't you say you were a different weight?!
No offense, but can you not post the same questions again and again, nothings gonna change.