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Question:can you give me a list of some of the hottest hip hop dances ever?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can you give me a list of some of the hottest hip hop dances ever?

*10 points WILL be awarded!*


if your lookn 4 hiphop dances go 2 you tube an look up the following:
1.Crank That Yank
2. Crank That Lion King
3. Crank That Spiderman
4. Crank That Batman
5. Crank That Whatchamacall it
6. Crank That Forest Gump
There are so many Crank that's other than Crank That Soulja Boy you should just go online to youtube and type in "Pop It Off Boyz" or "Crank Squad".
They have dances called:
2.walk it out (oldie but it seems to b in every new dance)
3. poo palace
4. lean wit it rock wit it
those are tha latest dances wher i com from (C town in dat Ohio)

well, my friend and i thought oF a new dance. it's called the Tatum pot. it's a mixture of the macerana and the robot.

idk. moon walk?
how about helicopter?
i should know this, I'm in hip hop!

Of course, Soujia Boy is about to wane slightly as the newest hip-hop line dance but this will survive for at least a year.

Now, salsa dancing and African dancing are now combined into something more like hip hop. In Champaign-Urbana, they are now having these new types of salsa dance classes. The result is more of a hip-hop style of salsa dancing.

Reggaeton is still popular. This Latin hip-hop dance, combining samba, merengue, hip-hop, and reggae rhythms, is enough to make you sweat but not too profusely.......

Souja Boy Tell'em's Crank Dat
The New Show Americas Best Dance Crew has amazing hip hop dancing
SO you think you can dance will have some
theres also moves such as
Moon walk

Go to Youtube. The last new dance I heard of was the Aunt Jackie. I know there's been more new dances after that.

God Bless and good luck.

krumping, harlem shake, snap dance, clown walk, crip walk, grinding, hyphy and gangsta walking.
All i could come up with at short notice sory =)