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Question:I need help with my pointework in ballet.

I have been on pointe for almost two years now, but now and again I have problems with my ankle strength.

I often feel like I'm not stable in my pointe shoes, and have recently had a new pair, but now I know it's a problem with my ankles. I feel myself slipping on pointe sometimes, and chenees and pirouettes are a struggle.

I have to perform a solo dance on pointe for my dance school's annual show in November, and I really need any tips to help with my ankle strength.

Any sensible suggestions welcomed =]

Thank You!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need help with my pointework in ballet.

I have been on pointe for almost two years now, but now and again I have problems with my ankle strength.

I often feel like I'm not stable in my pointe shoes, and have recently had a new pair, but now I know it's a problem with my ankles. I feel myself slipping on pointe sometimes, and chenees and pirouettes are a struggle.

I have to perform a solo dance on pointe for my dance school's annual show in November, and I really need any tips to help with my ankle strength.

Any sensible suggestions welcomed =]

Thank You!

Along with the theraband you should also work on strengthening your ankles and legs off pointe. Standing in parallel just do eleves...3 sets of 20. Do the same in first position, a turned in first position (not to the point where your knees hurt but your big toes should be facing inward), and then on foot at a time. Make sure you are pulling up and there are no bent knees. You should also do it from a plie as well but skip the inverted first position. After a few weeks of doing this off pointe you should slowly graduate to doing this en pointe. So let's say you do it 5 times a should start doing it 4 days a week flat footed and 1 time a week en pointe. And as you start feeling stronger and more comfortable en pointe do 3 times off pointe and 2 days en pointe...etc, etc. until you are en pointe the every single time. It's a slow process but thankfully you have a lot of time. You cannot rush this and if you do you are at risk for an injury. If at any time you are feeling pain see a doctor.

It sounds like you are not getting over your box and right now that is what you have to concentrate most on. Good Luck!

Welll, this is just me but, I think you shouldn't be on pointe (no offense at all). If your ankles aren't strong enough then you aren't, but good luck on your solo.

maybe ask your teacher if you can just rest for now.

I'm not really sure what the problem is but basic ankle strengtheners could work. Try writing the abc's in the air with your feet to work your ankles or do lots of releves at the bar with your pointe shoes on.

A video would probably help so we can better see what you're doing

u need to "open ur anke" i kno..sounds weird but, u need to point!!!! really really hard and keep ur ankles turned out to ur farthest.

Thera band excercises are great, like rolling through with the band on you foot. Also, do "toe taps"... do 100 fast taps with you going from flexed front to pointed foot... it works really well!

It sounds like you arent getting over the box, which would require you to also work on stretching your ankles. I really like therabands. Bodywrappers makes one, but you can get a 3 pack fo the original at any surgical supply store. Its really good for strengthening the ankkels and metatarsale through resistance.

thera bands work good but you have to keep working at it :)