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Position:Home>Dancing> Why do I have a sudden urge to do jazz hands?

Question:Your random.(good way)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your random.(good way)

you are hyper maybee

because your probably happy! :)

coz theure awesome

Jazz hands, otherwise known as "Acute Fossetitus" is known to strike any dancer at any time. Fossetitus is usually accompanied by a low, haughty expulsion of the word "Jaaaaaazz" reminiscent of brakes on a steam engine. For a live example of this behavior, stand outside of the entrance to Broadway Dance Center during daylight hours.
These episodes are relatively harmless if somewhat confusing to the uninitiated or in a church related environment. Jazz Hands" is in the same family of compulsive disorders which includes inappropriate application of the red, foam rubber clown nose and spastic explainations of the concept of "epaulment".
Recommended therapies include a quick rendition of "Steam Heat" or any of a variety of video clips involving Anne Reinking. In case of a "jazz hands" emergency; strike this link!