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Position:Home>Dancing> What's a better dance?

Question:G-slide or soulja boy(anyone soulja boy dance)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: G-slide or soulja boy(anyone soulja boy dance)

watever turns u on the most when u r dancing. thats all that counts . they r both good

I actually think both of these dances suck! I still don't even know what the G-slide is, cuz from the video it's hard to tell.

The Soujia Boy dance is better because in addition to its hip-hop movements, there is slight incorporation of country-line dancing (there is two "slap-leather" movements), and the Superman move comes from "modern" dance. Also, the "crank 'dat soujia boy" move---those two-footed jumps with your fists in front of your chest, incorporate boxing as well.

Amazing, isn't it?

I think the soulja boy dance is better

dont know?