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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm trying out for Dance Team and need advice.?

Question:I'll be freshman next year and I'm trying out for high school dance team. I live in a small town, and they don't do anything that's that hard, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for auditions. The name of a site that teaches you moves that are used in dance team would be really helpful. Any other tips on dancing or tips for trying out I would really appreciate. Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'll be freshman next year and I'm trying out for high school dance team. I live in a small town, and they don't do anything that's that hard, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice for auditions. The name of a site that teaches you moves that are used in dance team would be really helpful. Any other tips on dancing or tips for trying out I would really appreciate. Thank you!

I'm a high school freshman now and i am on my high school dance team. At auditions, make sure you NEVER complain. Do what the coach says, even if you hate it. Next, SMILE! Coaches are more likely to notice you if you are smiling. Last, STAND OUT. Do something to put yourself above everyone else. For example, if the coach says that at the end of the dance you are performing freestyle for 30 seconds, make the most of it. Be creative and the coach will notice. For a good example of standing out leading to success, see america's next top model cycle 10 the first episode. Allison stood out and she was the first to make it to the top 14.

Terms in dance,
I don't know what to tell you because i don't know what level you're at.
How much experience do you have?

Hope that helps!


As a former dancer...I would suggest that you be confident. Let your moves tell a story be an dancing actress. And always practice. I dont know any websites but the best thing on TV to get a wide variety of different styles of dance is on MTV search for the best dance crew its they really are creative and it gives you different advice. Or I would see if you parents would let you join local workout classes like belly dancing classes, hip hop, etc. You learn better when someone is teaching you what your doing right and wrong. Good Luck!!!! and Make GREAT grades too! lol.

f ur going to join as a freshman you should really practice first and try really hard to make it just be flexibles