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Position:Home>Dancing> Ok, can someone tell me in 5 or more sentences why practicing Gymnastics is not

Question:im sorry "goat mittens" but youre superly duperly untrue.
gymanstics improves everythingggg..muscle, balance, strength, endurance, agility, and the list goes onnnnn.
swinging from bars, tumbling on beams and everything else they do in gymnastics are all gymnastics' exercises that help you gain those skills.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im sorry "goat mittens" but youre superly duperly untrue.
gymanstics improves everythingggg..muscle, balance, strength, endurance, agility, and the list goes onnnnn.
swinging from bars, tumbling on beams and everything else they do in gymnastics are all gymnastics' exercises that help you gain those skills.

Seriously? Gymnastics is SO benificial.
It improves your flexibility, muscle strength, and balance.

beneficial towards what? life. I dont know, to be a gymnastic you have to be able to take a whole lot of criticism. It wont really help you in life, inless you want to be a dancer.

practicing gymnastics is not beneficial for several reasons. for one, it is largely a waste of time---how many times in your life are you going to need to know how to swing from some rings like an ape? secondly, those gymnastics uniforms are very immodest and make everyone who wears them look like a skank. thirdly, gymnastics is bad for your joints--our bodies were not made for the impact of all this incessant flopping that is gymnastics.

* An increase in muscular strength, flexibility and endurance
* The ability to relax
* Correct body alignment while walking, standing, jumping etc.
* The knowledge of how to fall and roll safely
* Increased agility and coordination

It could be potentially be damaging if you train 6-8 hrs a professional women's gymnastics.....they're only in it to win I took gymnastics for 7 yrs and I'm quite agile and coordinated! but I need to practice again if i want to be flexible must stretch every day or you'll pull something like i did hehehe.....but gymnastics is great!!!