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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you remember complicated tap dances??

Question:Im 13 and I was accepted into the advanced tap company at my studio. The dances are very complicated and Im having trouble remembering the steps!! Does anyone have any memory suggestions?? Thnx!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 13 and I was accepted into the advanced tap company at my studio. The dances are very complicated and Im having trouble remembering the steps!! Does anyone have any memory suggestions?? Thnx!!

congratulations !
but as far as these complicated dances come.
they wouldn't give you anything u werent capable of doing.
i suggest practicing in spare time. and write it down.
trust me it works.
good luck.

As soon as you learn them, maybe get together with some of your friends at your studio after school and practice, maybe ask your instructor to let you come in maybe on Saturday mornings and she/he could help you out. Try asscociating the steps with when they happen in the music. That's what I do, especcially for tap, and it really helps.

At the beginning its really hard to pick up on choreography quickly.
As you get used to it and practice, you'll be able to pick it up faster and remember it.