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Position:Home>Dancing> Any suggestions when dancing with women to booty music?

Question:as in how are u suppose to dance what is acceptable. what is unacceptable?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: as in how are u suppose to dance what is acceptable. what is unacceptable?

What is acceptable and what is not will depend a bit on your dance partner. If you're really into each other and not overly inhibited it could be described as making love with your clothes on. If your not sure about your partners inhibitions just tell her if it's too much to let you know then Listen to her. Too much though in some clubs might get you invited to leave. Watch others and you'll get the idea.

better question :what the hell is booty music!? im a DJ and i dont even know that. Maybe i will ask that question on here

just relax and be yourself. if you have a friend with you, ask them to help you with some basic moves to get you started. it's really not that big of a deal, just as long as you're not standing there letting your partner do all the work, lol