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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance policy 2?

Question:Do you think at a high school dance there should be a dance of the polices is that u and your date need to be arm length away from each other while you dance with ur date. what do you think?!?--your wonder why im asking this...b.c my school is makin a BIG deal about this dance policy and might cancel prom b.c of sadies over 200 ppl left b.c of this dance policy. im just asking to see what other people think about this STUPID rule

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think at a high school dance there should be a dance of the polices is that u and your date need to be arm length away from each other while you dance with ur date. what do you think?!?--your wonder why im asking this...b.c my school is makin a BIG deal about this dance policy and might cancel prom b.c of sadies over 200 ppl left b.c of this dance policy. im just asking to see what other people think about this STUPID rule

I understand not wanting students to make babies on the floor, but that's ridiculous. 18 year olds do not need to be told to dance like frankenstein, this isn't an 8th grade CYO dance. I mean, seriously, half of the student are going to go get it on afterward, who cares if they dance close? And I'm sure a lot fo the students will be there with a significant other, why should you have to dance with your girlfriend like shes your gramma? Lame, totally lame.

I already answered your first question about this, but that policy is f***ing retarded! I feel bad for you girl! How will you ever get close to your bf??

i think its dumb that you have to be an arms length apart. at my high school, they just monitored the students in order to prevent fights and students from getting down too dirty on the floor

arm length?! why? sorry 'bout your luck. i think that sucks. i dont go to school dances (im home schooled), but i know that people are kind of prudey...