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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to join a hip hop dance class?

Question:What can I expect? Iam a beginner - I've never danced hip hop. All I know how to do is move my waist and I can dance to latin dance a little. But thats it. I am kinda nervous and I know I'm going to be shy because I will not know anybody there. What if I embarrass myself or I can't do the moves? I'm really bad on learning steps. Can anybody thats been in a hip hop dance class tell me how it is when you first started?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What can I expect? Iam a beginner - I've never danced hip hop. All I know how to do is move my waist and I can dance to latin dance a little. But thats it. I am kinda nervous and I know I'm going to be shy because I will not know anybody there. What if I embarrass myself or I can't do the moves? I'm really bad on learning steps. Can anybody thats been in a hip hop dance class tell me how it is when you first started?



It's never too late to start, what matters is how much you enjoy it and how dedicated you are. Just make sure you are having fun... and if you mess up, just keep trying. If you really like it you will stick it out, and I'm sure you'll do great. Best of luck!

(PS: I'm 22, and just started dancing 2 years ago. I take 3 different types of dance 4 days a week now. I'm probably not the best dancer in any of my classes, but I have a great time and I stay in shape. Hope you have fun.)

its alright that your sixteen, but it would have helped if you started younger

when i started hip hop, i had jazz experience

the best advice i can give you is to pay attention in class and work on what you learn every night you come home . . . that way you can remember what you learned

you also need to get up in the front of the class when you are learning the dance because you will be able to see and hear the best

good luck!

Everyone messes up. Don't be nervous be excited that your learning something new. Its not hard. You just have to remember that its all about relaxation.

omg! do it is is so much fun!! and don't worry you're 16 you are not too old at all! a piece of advice with hiphop.. um it has alot to do with staying with the beat. any more questions about it just ask;]

The best advice I can give you is to do your best and have fun with it. Hip-hop doesn't involve a lot of flexibility, so you won't be behind there, but it does involve a lot of core strength (abs.)
I know someone else suggested to go to the front, but I've always found myself much more comfortable at the back to begin, as long as you can hear the teacher. That way, if you forget something, there are people in front of you.
Good luck and have fun!