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Position:Home>Dancing> When Dancing to booty music. which one?backing it up or grinding face to face? w

Question:what turns you on more?. which one is more fun?
any suggestions when dancing with women to booty music?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what turns you on more?. which one is more fun?
any suggestions when dancing with women to booty music?

If the guy is a good dancer face to face is more fun to me, but if he's not really good at it, backing it up works better. Face to face a guy has to know how to hold you and both partners have to be able to 'hit a groove'. It takes more coordination to feel good and look good.

Back to back is much more fun for me. Front to front is just awkward cuz your legs get pressed together funnily

Backing it up is fun, and you don't have that awkwardness of looking them in the face or something! haha